So one Christmas my Dad told me that they were going to get me a Sheltie for Christmas but I wasn't suppose to tell my Mom cause it was a surprise but he wanted me to pick the one I wanted. It was pet quality but for Jr. It didnt matter So Dad went to get the puppy with out me knowing so my mom thought but Dad picked me up and we went to pick out my Sheltie. It was a very cold and winter day It was the start of the blizzard that was coming the roads were so Icy it pushed our car off the highway more that once. But dad knew how excited I was to get my new puppy and he kept going (now as an adult I honestly wouldn't of went the roads were crazy but it was a couple of days till Christmas and he had it all planned one of many crazy trips I took with my Dad that involved dogs and dog shows LOL) So we arrived at the breeder my dad had contacted at one of the shows she had two that she would let go to a Jrs home I picked the tri that I fell in love with at first sight, So off to the crazy roads home we went it took us hours to get home but still made it before Mom got home for work Thank heavens she was a florist and Christmas is one of the busy times of the year. Or we would of been busted.
I could hardly wait till Christmas cause I wasn't allowed to know he was there. It was the longest two days of my life. So Christmas finally arrived and here was my sweet sweet sheltie who to this day is one of my all time favorite dogs. Mom kept asking if I had heard him cause she was worried I would hear him. I said No I was totally surprised.
That is when I fell in love with shelties I just loved how bonded we were he adored me and I adored him. We did everything together I just loved him so much. We went to classes every Thursday and I was so excited to show him in jrs. But the unthinkable happened and I lost him to Parvo it was harder to treat back then. I was devastated he was only a year and half old. I had lost my Best Friend. Dad and Mom offer to get me another I said no I couldnt think of replacing him. It took me years to get another sheltie in fact it was within the last couple of years when I got Charlie from Tammy. Then I was hooked again. I had been watching the sheltie ring for years reading everything I could get my hands on trying to learn before I got another as I want one to show this time. So as I step in to this new venture I am very thankful to Tammy and Shannalee for trusting me with their hard work sweat and tears. My babies Dancer Charlie and Kobe. We hope to make you proud. Thanks for the chance.

PS We did finally tell Mom I did know and I picked him out. I would post pictures but we lost most of photos in a basement flood. So here are some of Charlie Dancer and Kobe